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Concrete in the World

The History of Ready-Mix Concrete

Since 3000 BC, humans have started using calcium (Ca) based binding materials as building materials, and the accumulated knowledge in this field has formed the foundation of modern construction technologies over time.

Although Portland cement was first produced in 1824, reinforced concrete structures were only constructed starting in 1857.

Key Milestones in the Ready-Mix Concrete Industry

  • 1848: Establishment of the first cement factory (England)
  • 1857: Discovery of reinforced concrete (France)
  • 1865: Use of blast furnace slag in concrete along with Portland cement (Germany)
  • 1903: The beginning of the ready-mix concrete industry (Germany)
  • 1914: Development of the first transit mixer (USA)
  • 1927: Patent for the concrete mortar conveying pump (Germany)
  • 1936: Use of chemical additives in concrete production (USA)
  • 1950: Experimental use of microsilica in long-term tests (Norway)
  • 1965: Application of superplasticizers in concrete (USA)
  • 1971: Use of microsilica in load-bearing systems (Norway)
  • 1981: Use of the triple mix (Portland cement + microsilica + fly ash) in cement (Iceland)
  • 1992: Construction of the world's tallest reinforced concrete structure (USA)
  • 1993: First use of microfibers in concrete (USA)

These milestones clearly demonstrate that the ready-mix concrete industry is constantly evolving and innovative. In line with advancing technology and increasing demands, the sector will continue to be an indispensable part of the construction industry in the future.